Armstrong Plumbing

Residential | Commerial | Civil Plumbing | Hot Water | All Roofing | Drainage

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If you have an emergency plumbing need, simply call our 24 hour emergecny plumbing

Call Now (03) 5797 2311

Kitchen, Bathroom or Laundry Renovations | St Andrews 3761

Wanting to stay in your St Andrews home longer? Maybe upgrading your kitchen, bathroom or even your laundry could be the answer!!  

Renovating your kitchen, bathroom or laundry requires a plumbing professional who can ensure the job is completed in the most professional manner and within budget. 

Whether you are carrying out a quick renovation or adding a brand new space, trust Armstrong Plumbing for a quality job. 

Armstrong Plumbing servicing the St Andrews area 24/7 call now… 03 5797 2311 


Head Office

85 Betts Road
Yea Victoria 3717

Call Us

Office : (03) 5797 2311
Ross Armstrong : 0417 356 428
Cam Armstrong : 0408 973 278